Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chit chat with Mr Cruise/ Berbual dgn F Cruise

Versi Bahasa dibawah

Lil Cruise

Cruising with Mr Cruise was so fun, cruised on the water while having small chat with a dedicated college student, responsible son, a leadership brother, F Cruise is also a smart n fast learner . The young handsome man just turned 18 yrs old,  the time I spoke to him, he is also knowlegeble about general interest cum tech savvy. Trust me Mr Cruise looks like Prince William so I tend to post Prince William's photo though I got Mr Cruise's latest photo the top photo while with the hat on. I told Mr Cruise about this story session as I really wanted to update about The Fusion Tea "once upon a time ago how it started",.

Not very long ago, I told Mr Cruise that I wanted to sell tea. Like Teaaa. Tea, come come buy tea. He said it's fine for me to sell tea but not how it is, he told me to do research more or less like a Scientist. I said a scientist, better off, I invent a brain scanner makes it easier for me to sell based on what they want. As for him to be a scientist is to experiment the taste of the tea, not just pouring hot water, I need to determine how many degree of hot water to fuse the tea  to get an actual taste, so that its easier for me to sell the tea effectively not just follow whats written on the box. I said hmmm and stopped there. His smart chats were right, but I didn't expect that I need to go into the details he mentioned. Somehow I noted and put in the must to do list at one point.

Chit chatting with F Cruise had lead to a big conversation that also lead to tea tasting session. He was not interested in tasting the fusion tea because he said he's never tasted tea, he doesnt know what tea are about  and the different of other teas. He said hes too young for tea, that was it. I told that its a healthy tea. He doesnt go for healthy things yet, he still takes non healthy, that's how frank he is. I suggested him to taste it by a sip at least. Since I really wanted a young urban guy's opinion about the tea, somebody like him at least, F Cruise did me a favour and sipped the tea. 

Just a sip, Mr Cruise said ahhh, the fusion tea got a high taste, there's sweetness in there that he can find in other drink, he continues, there's fruity taste that he can eat some food out there, there's honey taste that he can have a jar of honey for himself. But the taste of vege was hard for him to escape in the fusion tea he laughed out loud. He concludes that he can have the single taste of the tea that not yet fused togethher except for the the vege or the tea leaves dont motivate him to find them outside :) 

Cruise who travelled to Europe alone when he was not yet 18 years old said he loves the continent but figured that he'll need friends n family. In a way he was saying as indivdual person we need connection, that is why he has twitter to communicate with everyone. That is how the fusion tea works, vege alone don't stand a chance to be likeable. When it fused in the water, it gives a great taste and undescrible flavour. He said the fusion tea got a taste that can go commercialized. A good advertising can go further. There are so many way to fuse this fusion tea with people of all walks of lives' taste buds, said Cruise who is from mix marriage. He agrees of the saying if you stop advertising to save money is like you turn off the clock to save time. The chit chat with Cruise left me with wide open vision on how Hugh Jackman manage to pull the crowd to dance together in the Lipton Tea ad :) I thank him so much that I spoke to him about selling the Fusion Tea coincidentally cruised to reality, Alhamdulillah.

Bahasa Malaysia Version

Berbual dgn Mr F Cruise semasa belayar ditengah laut bersamanya memang seronok, sembang yg membina dengan seorang jejaka tampan, pelajar yang cerdik, abang yang mengambil berat tentang adiknya, Cruise jugak seorang anak yang bertanggungjawab. Pelajar yang ada rupa ini jugak seorang cekap and cepat mempelajari sesuatu iaitu lebih arif lagi dalam technologi skrg ini. Percayala remaja F Cruise ini memang ada iras dengan Putera William membuat saya lebih tercederung meletak gambar Putera William disini, sebenarnya saya telah meminta izin untuk memaparkan ceritanya dan juga gambarnya bertopi semasa menikmati alam semulajadi dan photo terbaru diberinya. Bercerita dgn Mr Cruise inilah titik mulanya saya bersemangat berbusiness Teh fusion.

Tak lama dulu saya dapat berborak dgn Cruise dan kebetulan memberitahu Cruise bahawa saya ingin menjual teh, seperti Siti Nurhaliza jual kuih kuih, tapi teh tehhhh, mai beli teh. Mr Cruise memberi response yang positive yg mana tidak salah menjual teh sebegitu cara, tapi lebih memberi kesan jika ada sedikit research tentang product yang kita jual, seupama menjadi ahli sains. Saya terus berkata kalau nak jadi ahli sains, sudah pasti saya mencipta scanner fikiran seseorang memudahkan saya membaca isihati seseorang. Saya faham bagi Mr  Cruise lebih mementingkan quality, dimana ujikaji rasa teh dengan membuat catatan, jika air panas mendidih, cantuman teh tu mungkin rasa lebih ketara, berapa degree air panas yang paling sesuai utk mencantumkan teh fusion, itu la maksudnya. Saya mengiyakan dan berhenti disitu. Rasanya memang betul kata Cruise itu bukan setakat ikut yang tertulis dikotak saja.

Borak kecil dgn Cruise ni memang membawa kearahan yg membina dimana tercapai jugak cita2 saya untuk mengadakan sesi merasa minuman teh fusion ini. Mr Cruise tidak berminat sesama sekali untuk meminum pun air teh fusion, dia mengatakan dia tiada pengetahuan tentang teh, dan dia tidak pernah minum teh. Walaupun saya menyatakan bahawa teh fusion ni berkhasiat dan menerangkan bahawa saya mahu kan seseorang yg modern muda, remaja yang boleh membuat keputusan sendiri, merasa minuman tradisional ini. Dia cuba meneguk, dgn sedikit saja sudah terdengar suaranya meng...ahhh...rasa teh fusion ni sangat tinggi.  Cruise menerangkan bahawa kemanisan, kemasaman, rasa madu tu dia boleh dapatkan dari minuman lain, tapi rasa sayur tu membuat dia tidak berminat utk mencarinya sambil ketawa.

Cruise yang pernah menjelajah Eropah seorang diri  pada umurnya belum mencecah 18, menyatakan dia suka benua itu tapi barangkali, lebih menarik jika sedia-ada kawan2 dan keluarga disana. Begitu pentingnya dia kawan2 dan adik beradik, sebab itu la dia mempunyai twitter untuk berhubung sesama mereka. Dia mengulaskan, keseorangan dinegara cantik pun, tidak memberi keistimewaan baginya, begitu la sayur sahaja didalam teh fusion itu, tak ada peluang yg tinggi utk Cruise meminumnya, tetapi bila dicantum dgn herba yg lain, rasa daun herba teh itu lebih sedap dan berkelainan. Memang teh fusion disukai ramai jika di iklankan sebetulnya. Cruise, berdarah campur ini, juga bersetuju kalau berhenti pengiklanan utk menjimat duit, seupama matikan jam utk memjimatkan masa. Baginya bermacam cara sekarang ni utk memperkenalkan teh fusion pada dunia seperti mana Jack Hughman membawa orang ramai meminum teh lipton dlm iklan tu, tak berkata apa2 tapi menari saja :) Saya ingin berterima kasih dan bersyukur saya berkebetulan berbual dgn Cruise yg melayarkan impian saya menjadi kenyataan. Alhamdulillah.


  1. sy nak baca crita the royal wedding :)

    (permintaan mengada-ngada)

  2. I was confused about what and who you were talking about. So that is the picture of prince Wiliiam eh?
    About tea - - - I don't drink tea but I come from a family where tea is a big deal. So if you want to sell, understand, invent new varieties or rather graft two kinds and make a new flavour, you may want to look into some companys from India. Good Luck!

  3. bila la saya dapat rasa cruise pula.

  4. so mr cruise pun dah jagi tea drinker? nice!

  5. tq comment entry saya ari tu...erhm....hubby saya suke minum teh o + honey, heeee~ segar n nikmat!

  6. teh! teh! korean tea best yek? :-)


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